Category Archives: Voices of Patriots

Commentary and Opinion from Local Patriots

Community Common Interest Spaces

The specter of political division began under Barack Obama, when the Democrats shut out the Republicans, and fashioned Obamacare behind closed doors.  In the streets, the division emerged along racial lines in a manner we have not seen for half of a century. Black Lives Matter, and other groups, emerged, seeking preferential treatment being handed out by the liberal left.  Battle lines were drawn, and targets were painted.  During the Obama presidency special protection was handed out to anyone who was a member of a group that the Democrats figured they could get votes out of, and it became dangerous to be a person who did not fit into the liberal left’s special graces.

Battle lines have remained in place under the presidency of President Trump, with the liberal left minions gathering together to stand against the White House, and the alleged “white privilege” supporters of Trump’s administration.
Civil war has emerged, and the Democrats are waging its war on multiple fronts.  As a result, censorship of conservative political thought is running rampant.  Social media has been called out for it.  The mainstream media has taken the concepts of being silent about anything that is outside the leftist narrative, and ridiculing the right into submission and silence, to a whole new level.  The education and entertainment industries have proclaimed their hate for anything that resembles support for Republican ideas, siding decidedly with the intolerance being shoveled out by the Democrats.  Even families and neighborhoods have drawn battle lines in an attempt to push socialism, and silence those who wish for the United States to continue to adhere to the limiting principles of the U.S. Constitution.
Homeowner’s associations (HOAs), to avoid taking sides in the battle, had been disallowing any political events in common interest spaces.  However, the California legislature decided that HOAs can’t make that kind of call since, according to the legislature, the issue is in the realm of political speech and peaceful assembly (referring to the spirit of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution).  As a result, Civil Code Section 4515 was added to the Davis-Stirling Act to protect certain rights of political speech and peaceful assembly within the boundaries of a common interest development.  It went into effect on January 1, 2018.
In other words, according to California law, if you wish to have a candidate meet and greet at your HOA clubhouse, by law they are not supposed to tell you “no” because it’s a political event.

The law prohibits HOAs from doing the following:

• Disallowing persons to use common interest for peaceful assembly or meeting, at reasonable hours and in a reasonable manner, for purposes related to common interest development living, association elections, legislation, election to public office, or the initiative, referendum or recall process.

• Disallowing the inviting of public officials, candidates for public office, and representatives of homeowner organizations to meet with members and residents and speak on matters of public interest.

• Disallowing canvassing and petitioning the members and residents for purposes related to the topics listed above.

• Disallowing the distribution or circulation, without prior permission, information about the topics listed above or other issues of concern to the members or residents, at reasonable hours and in a reasonable manner.

An attorney’s blog explains, Civil Code Section 4515 also invalidates any provision requiring a member or resident to pay a fee, make a deposit, obtain liability insurance, or pay the premium or deductible on the association’s insurance policy, in order to use a common area for any of the meetings described above.

Civil Code Section 4515 provides broad protection for political speech and assembly. Further, the topics afforded protection by this new law span from any issue of concern to the association’s members to general matters of public interest. However, it appears that this new law has some important limitations.

Civil Code Section 4515 does not require any homeowners association to open its facilities to the general public. Rather, the right to assemble is limited to “members, residents, and their invitees or guests.” This distinction is important, as opening these facilities to the general public would likely necessitate compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

So, schedule your community and neighborhood meetings and candidate meet-and-greets.  In California, it’s against the law for your HOA to say “no” specifically because it is a political event.

Conservative Voice Radio: Turmoil, Targets, and Travel


This morning at 8:00 am Conservative Voice Radio, Pacific KMET 1490-AM

Conservative Voice Radio is hosted by Douglas V. Gibbs, with members of the Banning-Beaumont-Cherry Valley Tea Party (Glenn, Jan and Diane) on KMET 1490-AM every Saturday at 8:00 am Pacific Time.

This morning’s program was a good one, but if you missed it, no problem, the podcast available at 

Here’s Today’s episode, in particular: (

Today’s topics:

– Travel Restriction Executive Order Ruled by Supreme Court to be Constitutional

– Maxine Waters Instigates Violent Confrontation

– Riverside County Central Committee

– Pass Area Water Plan
– Immigration Premise
– Who Targeted the Tea Party through the IRS?
– Iran’s Financial Turmoil

Why Aren’t the Republicans Fighting Harder?

Why Aren’t the Republicans Fighting Harder?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

As a public speaker, I have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with various political clubs, groups and organizations.  When it comes to the question and answer portion after my U.S. Constitution presentations, the most common question I get is, “Why don’t the Republicans fight harder?”

I tell the audience there are three possible answers.  Either, the GOP is too fearful.  The GOP is ignorant.  Or, the GOP is a part of the problem.

It may be a little bit of all of them.

Culture drives politics, and politics drives culture.  We have turned our backs on God.  We compromise to avoid being called names that end with “phobe.”   We have stood by and watched, while sitting on our couches complaining, as what was once a virtuous society became depraved, decadent, and dependent upon an oppressive federal government that is doing all it can to expand at a massive speed over the last half-dozen years.  And the thanks we get from our political and cultural opposition for abandoning Godliness is a constant beating.  But, rather than drop to our knees and pray about it, we fall for the lies, and compromise in the hopes that the enemy will like us.

The Republican Party is like a battered wife, beaten down so many times that the desire to fight back has been beaten out of them.  The continuous onslaught of political correctness, and the idiotic establishment belief that in order to win elections the Republicans have to move leftward, is making “losing” a norm for the GOP.

The people flocked to Ronald Reagan because he articulated conservative principles, and spoke the language of liberty.  The Tea Party emerged because of the anger of many Americans.  Folks of all political persuasions were sickened by the federal government’s willingness to spend their hard earned taxes into oblivion.  Taxed Enough Already (T.E.A.) then evolved, adding the Constitution to their demands, and in response the progressive left statists of the Democrat Party launched a massive attack campaign, destroying the credibility of any political figure that dared to associate with the TEA Party, and then expanded those attacks to encompass all Republicans.  To the uninformed voters that believe the propaganda, “TEA Party” and “Republican” are terms synonymous with “racism,” “bigot,” “hater,” and everything wrong about the Democrats that they can project upon their opposition.

The Republican leadership has become fearful, unwilling to stand against such attacks, and often falling for the rhetoric themselves.  The Republicans are ignorant of what the people really want, believing that the liberal left somehow has become the majority when in reality the true believers in progressivism are actually only about 14% of the population.  The Republicans have failed to win in education, the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the courts, and they believe that means all is lost.  The GOP leadership has decided the only way to survive is to compromise, and get a few morsels here and there that fall off the liberal left’s dinner table.  They lose two steps to gain a half step.  They refuse to go on the offensive and expose the radical extremism that the hard left socialists of the Democrat Party truly represent.

As all of that has been happening, the Republican Party has also been infiltrated.  The big government statists reside throughout the Grand Ol’ Party, and the propaganda of fear is very powerful inside the elephant’s bubble of Capitol Hill.  The Establishment, the leadership of the Republican Party, has become a part of the problem.  They have come to desire big government, promising to run it in a conservative manner (as if saying that is not an oxymoron), and they are willing to do anything to hang on to that power. . . including making deals with the opposition that infuriates the conservative base, and opens wider the gaping hole at the bottom of the bucket through which the most conservative of voters are slipping through.

A friend of mine, a liberal that hates statism (yes, such people exist) criticizes me for my refusal to completely capitulate.  He doesn’t understand why during the pursuit of “moderates” the “right wing” voters and the “religious right” refuse to vote in elections.  He misses the point that conservatives are not collectivists that vote party regardless of what their leaders do or say.  Conservatives and Constitutionalists are individuals with their own conscience, demanding that their political leaders remain within a certain parameter when it comes to morality, or political conservatism.  Though not voting is just like giving a vote to the Democrats, some of those frustrated defectors reason that they can’t bring themselves to vote for the GOP when the Republican candidate comes across not much different than the Democrat.  “What’s the difference?” I hear often.  “Anymore, the parties are the same.”

I don’t believe there is absolutely no difference between the two parties, but I do believe that the gap of separation between them is narrowing day by day.  As a constitutionalist, I have not taken an oath to the GOP.  My oath is to God, and the United States Constitution, and so when a candidate refuses to acknowledge or abide by the standards of either, they will not get my vote.  And to be honest, it is getting more and more difficult to vote Republican with each passing election.

I get it.  The Republican Party is our horse in the race against what is normally a slow and stubborn jackass.  We must not shoot our horse in the head, or chase after a less sure-footed horse of a third-party, because all that does is ensure we lose the race.  But that does not mean we must do nothing, or give in to our ill-tempered, kicking, biting GOP stallion no matter what.  The way to win is to learn how to train the horse, to lead it by the reins and return that horse to Godliness and the Constitution.  Feed it a sugar cube, stroke its mane, and then show the horse what we, the voters, desire.  Teach the horse, and lead the horse, back to the Constitution, not by poking the GOP leadership in the chest, screaming and yelling, and calling our Republican candidates things that in their minds confirm with them that we are the crazies the Democrats try to portray us as, but by using strategy, truth, and by having a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.

The reality is, we are in a war.  This is not politics as usual.  We must do more than figure out a way to get a few votes.  The entire political culture is out of whack.  We must return to the principles that led our nation to prosperity, and show our politicians it all begins with the Constitution.  James Madison said that “A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.”  Understanding how the system is supposed to be in the first place, and then working to return America to that standard, is the way to return the voters that have abandoned the Republican Party back to the voting polls.  We must stand up, be loud and firm, but do it in a manner that portrays knowledge and love of country, not the hate and viciousness we see from the other side.  We are not them.  We are not about conquering, or destroying, or taking away freedoms, as the liberal left progressives are.  We are about conserving the system that has worked for over two hundred years, returning this nation to the foundation it was built upon.  We, as constitutionalists and conservatives, must fight with a goal in mind, and strategies in place.

The Constitution gives us five tools for restoring the republic.  Peaceful revolution, nullification, secession, convention, and violent revolution.  We must know how these tools, or the threat of the use of them, can be effective.  We must learn how to use these tools effectively in relation to each other, rather than set up opposing camps as we’ve seen between those that support nullification versus those that support a convention of States.  You’re both right, but it takes eternal vigilance to make sure it works, to ensure the federal government is trained and obeys our commands; and it takes hard work and working together to make sure we don’t have a runaway convention, or blood in the streets.  The question is, before we get started, “Are you up for it?”

At the end of the Declaration of Independence, the signers of the document mutually pledged their “Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor.”  In the Preamble of the Constitution a little more than a decade later they revealed that, yes, they fought for freedom and a system of limited government for themselves, but especially for their Posterity (Posterity in the Preamble is capitalized for the sake of emphasis).  The Founding Fathers saw it as their duty to secure the Blessings of Liberty to, yes, themselves, but especially to those Americans not yet born.  Are we willing to do the same?  Are we willing to put on the line our Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor for our children, their children, and those not yet born?  Or are we going to do nothing, and then prepare an excuse to our grandchildren when they ask us what we did to try to preserve liberty as tyranny knocked on the door?

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Learn More About Douglas V. Gibbs


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Killing Liberty

Killing Liberty
“To create a tyranny, turn society against itself until it abhors the values that led to its prosperity, and then rebuild it through revolution.” — Douglas V. Gibbs

The dismantling of America is a purposeful endeavor being orchestrated by design. The statists who have taken full control of one political party, is nearing their goal of having fully infiltrated both political parties, and are committing a coup that is designed to fundamentally change the American System. Through their revolutionary coup they are challenging the concepts of the Freedom of Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Religious institutions are under attack, and the complicit press is assisting the statists in destroying our Judeo-Christian foundation. The freedom of information, now a forgotten relic in the minds of the mainstream media, is even under assault in technology, with the federal communications commission seizing control of the internet in a recent departmental vote. As crime skyrockets, the occurrence of illegal search and seizure is also going up. Of course, the lack of due process has been with us for a while, through the IRS, and Child Protective Services. The court system has become nothing more than a rubber stamp for the statists, interpreting the law any way they desire, and using it to silence dissent.

We have betrayed, and cheapened, life with abortion and euthanasia, while poisoning the concept of equality with “fairness” and the idea of “equal outcome.” We have allowed the federal government to crush property rights from real estate to personal possessions. The statists have taken over the education of our youth, and with programs like Common Core, are dumbing down the future of America with a curriculum that is indoctrinational in nature. The entertainment industry has sold out to tyranny, and promotes, along with the politicians, class warfare, civil unrest, and the vision of a dim world. Operation Jade Helm reminds us of the Department of Homeland Security list of offenses that makes one a domestic terrorist – a definition that is, in its simplest terms, one that places any dissent to statism as being radical, defining all of those that dare to stand against the statists as being domestic terrorists. The condition of needing to deal with the constitutionalist radicals (or should we say “rebels”) has convinced the statists to work on eliminating the concept of the Freedom of Association, largely through political correctness, but the law is following obediently, as will the police state.

Benjamin Franklin said, “Only a virtuous society is capable of freedom,” so morality has been targeted. A God-fearing society places biblical standards above those of a tyrannical government, so the faith that led the nation to prosperity must be squashed. Modernism, or shall we say “humanism,” must become the religion of the day. Human Nature is easy to sway, and the citizens are easy to turn away from God, for all they need are gifts from the treasury to convince them that tyranny is in their best interest. It is the tyrant’s goal to provide everything they can in material benefits to the citizens, for if a citizen is being taken care of by a benevolent government, the citizen will welcome bondage, and turn away from the religion of his father.

The gifts are swiftly taken away through taxation, but the citizens welcome taxes because as Karl Marx explained, progressive taxation allows for a redistribution of wealth, a way to punish the rich for daring to succeed – and it is all accomplished in the name of “fairness,” “equality,” and “social justice.” In the end, the economics suffer because the takers begin to outnumber the producers, so the government is forced to print fiat money, to load the system with artificial wealth, in the hopes that bondage can survive the absence of a free market.

If any dissent remains after tyranny gains a foothold, the statist will then use mental health as an excuse to disarm, contain, and arrest any remaining rebels. The statists will do all of this with the assistance of the international community, for internationalism will also help stamp out any nation that dares to seek liberty and stand against the global understanding of a worldwide ruling elite. The citizenry will fall in line nicely, for they will be told that their bondage to government will save the planet from an environmental disaster, and a standing army policing the streets will protect them from the radicals that dare to unpatriotically stand against the political elite. So as the government takes over the means of production, redefines the family unit, and uses the village to raise the children (under the watchful eye of government minions), the people fall into a condition of slavery. But the people will relish their peace and safety, for by then, all opposition will have been silenced, and eliminated.

“The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.” – Karl Marx

— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary