Breakfast Meeting 2-24

Banning Beaumont Cherry Valley Tea Party


Come join us for breakfast tomorrow morning at 8 AM for breakfast. Author, Douglas V. Gibbs, Constitutional expert will be joining us discussing some new ideas to promote the conservative wave now taking place in America. Doug Gibbs is our professional radio host for the BBCV Tea Party local radio show broadcast on KMET AM 1490 at 8 to 9 am on Saturdays weekly. Join other like minded conservatives.

We will email out the Douglas V. Gibbs KMET AM1490 Feb. 21st Tea Party radio broadcast tomorrow when it is downloaded to our YouTube channel.

Join us and help formulate new ideas andor suggestions to promote the conservative cause in our area and beyond. See you for breakfast tomorrow at the Farm House.


Glenn Stull
Banning Beaumont Cherry Valley Tea Party

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